

Baltimore & Ohio O Scale Premier GP-30 Diesel Engine - With Proto-Sound 2.0
List Price:
Baltimore & Ohio
O Scale
Product Type:
Diesel/Electric Locomotive
Product Line:
Delivery Status:
Delivered DEC. 2005
Called by Trains magazine "nothing less than a landmark unit in Electro-Motive's all-time production record," the GP-30 represented a major shift in EMD's locomotive design. The GP-30's departures from earlier Geeps (as the GP class was called) include the relocation of all the engine's radiators to the end of the unit and the centralization of the air distribution system used to cool the traction motors. It is also the only EMD locomotive to bear the distinctive cowled cab-top and streamlined features. The 2250 horsepower GP-30 was developed in direct response to General Electric's announcement of the 2500 horsepower U25B, which introduced the more efficient centralized air distribution system. Although the GP-30 had a lower horsepower rating than GE's U25B, EMD's marketers decided to break with their recent engine-naming practice and introduce the new Geep not as GP-22, which represented its horsepower, but as GP-30, to give it a larger, more powerful number than GE's competing diesel. The GP-30 was introduced in July 1961. Twenty-seven railroads had bought 948 units by the time production stopped in November 1963. GP-30s were initially used for fast freight service, but as the more powerful GP-35s and GP-40s appeared, the -30s were changed to yard and branch line service. Many GP-30s remained in service for more than 30 years after they were built.
- (2) Remotely Controlled Proto-Couplersr - Metal Chassis - (2) Precision Flywheel Equipped Motors - Illuminated Number Boards - Intricately Detailed ABS Body - Directionally Controlled Headlights - Die-Cast Truck Sides, Pilots and Fuel Tank - Authentic Paint Scheme - Metal Handrails and Decorative Horn - Lighted Cab Interior - Lighted Marker Lights - (2) Engineer Cab Figures - Spinning Roof Fans - Metal Body Side Grilles - Operating Smoke Unit - Metal Wheels, Axles and Gears - Locomotive Speed Control - Proto-Sound 2.0 With The Digital Command System Featuring:- Freight Yard Proto-Effects - Unit Measures:15" x 2 3/4" x 4 1/4" - Operates On O-31 Curves
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