

Kansas City Southern O Scale Premier GP38-2 Diesel Engine (Non-Powered)
List Price:
Kansas City Southern
O Scale
Product Type:
Diesel/Electric Locomotive
Product Line:
Delivery Status:
Delivered JUN. 2006
In the late 1960s, EMD responded to a rash of complaints that the GP30 and GP35 were less dependable than their predecessors. They created the GP38 and its variant, the GP38-2. A descendant of the famous EMD F-Series engines, the GP38-2 became as much a staple on the railroads in the 1960s and '70s as the F units were in the 1940s and '50s. While the GP38-2's prime mover provided less horsepower than its contemporaries, its reliability and excellent performance as a general purpose locomotive made it among the best selling of the Geeps. Almost every domestic railroad, large or small, has had its name printed on the side of a GP38.
Add a non-powered version of this incredible locomotive to your powered Proto-Sound 2.0 equipped GP38-2 for a fun-filled multi-unit lashup. Equipped with operating metal couplers and all the details found on the powered version but at half the cost make this unit an inexpensive addition to your roster