

Southern O Scale Premier 4-6-2 Ps-4 Steam Passenger Set w/Proto-Sound 3.0
List Price:
O Scale
Product Type:
R-T-R/Speciality Set
Product Line:
Delivery Status:
Delivered Feb. 2013
One of America's most famous Pacific's to ever ride the rails returns to the O Gauge market from MTH Electric trains for 2011. Equipped with operating features found only on MTH steamers, our series of Pacific locomotives will make choosing your next die-cast engine an easy decision. Simply put, feature for feature, detail for detail, these die-cast engines are the best steam locomotives ever offered.
Available in the deluxe Crescent Limited paint scheme as well as solid green, and black, the Ps-4 is highly distinguishable by its famous Elesco Feedwater Heater. In fact, the Ps-4 is considered a National Treasure, with a beautifully restored engine displayed at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.
Our highly detailed Pacific's are not only the most attractive steam engines you can buy, but they are also the most fun to operate. Since we believe operating characteristics are the most important feature of our engines, this locomotive comes equipped with ProtoSound 3.0, Synchronized Puffing ProtoSmoker, and operating firebox glow.
Set Includes: Southern 4-6-2 Ps-4 Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (Hi-Rail Wheels) 2-Car 70' ABS Baggage/Coach Madison Passenger Set 70' ABS Madison Passenger Car 70' ABS Madison Observation Car Die-Cast Boiler and Tender Body 1:48 Scale Proportions Die-Cast Metal Chassis Real Coal Load Metal Wheels and Axles Constant Voltage Headlight Die-Cast Truck Sides Remote Controlled Proto-Coupler Engineer and Fireman Figures Metal Handrails and Decorative Bell Decorative Metal Whistle Locomotive Speed Control In Scale MPH Increments Synchronized Puffing ProtoSmoke System Precision Flywheel Equipped Motor Proto-Scale 3-2 3-Rail/2-Rail Conversion Capable Wireless Drawbar Illuminated Number Boards Illuminated Classification Lights Lighted Cab Interior Proto-Sound 3.0 With The Digital Command System Featuring: Passenger Station Proto-Effects Unit Measures:23 7/8" x 2 7/16" x 3 7/8" Operates On O-42 Curves Durable ABS Intricately Detailed Bodies Metal Wheels and Axles Overhead Interior Lighting Die-Cast 6-Wheel Trucks Operating Die-Cast Metal Couplers Colorful, Attractive Paint Schemes End-of-Car Diaphragms Separate Metal Handrails Fast-Angle Wheel Sets Needle-Point Axles Detailed Car Interiors 10 Passenger Figures In Each Coach Car 1:48 Scale Dimensions Detailed Car Undercarriage Operates On O-42 Curves
Locomotive Features:
Passenger Set Features
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