Baltimore & Ohio O Scale Premier 4-4-0 American Steam Engine w/Proto-Sound 3.0 (86" Scale Wheels)
Connecting the nation's capital to its largest city, the Washington - New York corridor was a hotly contested route for nearly a century. To compete with the almost limitless resources of the Pennsylvania Railroad, the underdog Baltimore & Ohio relied on Southern hospitality, great cooking and, at the beginning, an aura of European royalty.
Launched in 1890 as the Royal Blue Line with six trains daily in each direction, the B&O's premier service offered American travelers comforts fit for a European monarch. Its elegant, Pullman-built cars featured seats upholstered in old-gold plush, leaded glass windows and mahogany paneling. French-trained chefs prepared elaborate dining car meals with delicacies like terrapin and canvasback duck. (In later years, the Royal Blue would become famous for its Maryland cuisine.) Completing the European theme, the cars' exteriors were finished in "Royal Saxony Blue" with gold leaf trim. And they were fast. The mid-day trains covered the route in 5 hours flat, powered by Baldwin-built Class M-1 4-4-0s that the B&O had purchased expressly for Royal Blue service.
Because its tracks went only as far north as Philadelphia, the B&O partnered with the Reading and the Jersey Central to reach Jersey City, where passengers boarded a ferry to cross the Hudson River into Manhattan. (It would be another two decades before the mighty Pennsy tunneled under the river and offered the first direct rail service to the island borough.) Each railroad owned a share of the Royal Blue's luxurious day coaches, combines and baggage cars, while the B&O provided the diners and Pullman supplied parlor cars and sleepers.
- Intricately Detailed, Die-Cast Boiler and Chassis
- Intricately Detailed, Die-Cast Tender Body
- Authentic Paint Scheme
- Real Tender Coal Load
- Die-Cast Locomotive Trucks
- Handpainted Engineer and Fireman Figures
- Metal Handrails, Whiste and Bell
- Metal Wheels and Axles
- (2) Scale Operating Kadee-Compatible Couplers
- Prototypical Rule 17 Lighting
- Constant Voltage LED Headlight
- Lighted LED Cab Interior
- Powerful Precision Flywheel-Equipped Motor
- Synchronized Puffing ProtoSmoke System
- Locomotive Speed Control In Scale MPH Increments
- Wireless Drawbar
- 1:48 Scale Dimensions
- Onboard DCC/DCS Decoder
- Proto-Scale 3-2 3-Rail/2-Rail Conversion Capable
- Proto-Sound 3.0 With The Digital Command System Featuring Quillable Whistle With Passenger Station Proto-Effects
- Unit Measures: 16 _" x 3 _" x 2 Ôæ´"
- Operates On 31" Radius Curves Steam DCC Features
- F0 Head/Tail light
- F1 Bell
- F2 Horn
- F3 Start-up/Shut-down
- F4 PFA
- F5 Lights (except head/tail)
- F6 Master Volume
- F7 Front Coupler
- F8 Rear Coupler
- F9 Forward Signal
- F10 Reverse Signal
- F11 Grade Crossing
- F12 Smoke On/Off
- F13 Smoke Volume
- F14 Idle Sequence 3
- F15 Idle Sequence 2
- F16 Idle Sequence 1
- F17 Extended Start-up
- F18 Extended Shut-down
- F19 Labor Chuff
- F20 Drift Chuff
- F21 One Shot Doppler
- F22 Coupler Slack
- F23 Coupler Close
- F24 Single Horn Blast
- F25 Engine Sounds
- F26 Brake Sounds
- F27 Cab Chatter
- F28 Feature Reset