May 14, 2008 - Since the release of the O Gauge 2008 Volume 2 catalog, several discrepancies have been noted in the printed copy and are noted below.
Page 58, Flat Cars with Loads:
Item 30-76311, Ann Arbor Flat Car description is incorrect. Load will be two Ford Crown Victorias as shown in photo, not two Edsel Citations as noted in description.
Items 30-76313, Southern Flat Car, and 30-76314, Lehigh Valley Flat Car, descriptions are correct but incorrect fire engines are shown in photos. The fire engine pictured on the Lehigh Valley car will actually be delivered with the Southern car instead, and vice versa.
Page 69, Bilevel MetroLink, Sounder, and Amtrak Passenger Cars:
For larger, more detailed photos of these cars, see pages 32-33 of the 2008 RailKing Train Sets & Accessories catalog, which shows the same cars in Amtrak Pacific Surfliner colors.
Page 93, Amtrak F40PH Diesels, items 20-2905-1 and 20-2905-3:
Engine number for Amtrak version is incorrectly pictured as 200, the very first F40PH, which was an early production (pre-1977) locomotive with the fuel tank and air reservoirs in a different position than that of our model. Our model is correct for later-production locomotives that had the fuel tank ahead of the air reservoirs, and actual models will be correctly numbered as later-production engines.
Page 97, Santa Fe F3 Diesels, items 20-2923-1 and 20-2923-3:
Per the prototype, some side panels of these engines will be plated to represent stainless steel, just as the Santa Fe used stainless steel for some side panels of its F-units to match its streamlined passenger consists. Plating on our engines will, of course, match the plating on the Premier Santa Fe passenger sets in this catalog.
Page 101, E8 Diesels:
Pennsylvania A-B-A set, item 20-2894-1, will be revised to more accurately represent Bennett Levinメs restored Pennsy E8s that are operating today. In response to input from members of the OGR Forum and other modelers, these engines will feature prototypical nose lift rings, ditch lights, and more accurate pilots. Engine numbers were incorrectly shown in the catalog and should be 5711 and 5809 for the two A-units. Ditch lights on leading A-unit will flash alternately when activated; ditch lights on trailing A-unit will not flash, due to electrical restrictions of Proto-Sound slave units. For links to pictures of the prototypes during restoration, search on the M.T.H. home page for the item number of this set.
Burlington E8 sets, items 20-2892-1 and 20-2892-3, will feature side panels plated to represent the stainless steel side panels of the prototypes, as they looked when they pulled the California Zephyr.
B&O E8 sets, items 20-2891-1 and 20-2891-3, replicate the engines that pulled the B&Oメs Capitol.
Lackawanna E8 sets, items 20-2893-1 and 20-2893-3, replicate the engines that pulled the Phoebe Snow.
While it was not noted in the catalog, we will continue to follow our standard practice of delivering nearly all Premier freight cars in two road numbers, both under the same catalog item number. For cars that are also offered in six-car sets, the road numbers for the single-sale cars will be different from the numbers in the sets, so no road numbers will be duplicated.
Page 145, 60メ Flat Car w/Load
Item 20-98648 is pictured with the correct load but is listed with the wrong flat car description. The production model will actually utilize our 50' Flat.
Page 155, Amfleet Passenger Sets
As mentioned in last weekメs e-newsletter, Amfleet cars of all road names will feature our new plated finish to represent the stainless steel exterior of the prototype cars. This new finish, which will debut on the Premier Burlington Zephyrs and Flying Yankee cataloged in 2008 volume 1, will be less shiny and more prototypical in appearance than the chrome finish used on the RailKing Coors Silver Bullet and several other RailKing items. These cars will feature illuminated red lights on the car ends, which can be switched on or off.
Pages 157-158, Streamlined Passenger Sets
As mentioned in last weekメs e-newsletter, the Santa Fe and Burlington sets, like the Amfleet sets just mentioned, will feature our new plated finish.
Santa Fe coach/baggage set, item 20-69136, will be changed to a sleeper/baggage set because the Santa Fe cars in this catalog represent the Super Chief, an all-sleeper train. A second baggage car, used for storage mail and run ahead of the RPO, was indeed prototypical for this train.
Contents of Baltimore and Ohio sets represent the Capitol Limited. Updated information will be provided on our Web site under the item numbers for the B&O sets.
The early order period for the 2008 Volume 2 catalog ends May 31, 2008. You can find your local M.T.H. Authorized Retailer by CLICKING HERE.