February 25, 2009 - M.T.H. Electric Trains is pleased to announce that the release of their first 2009 HO catalog featuring two previously announced HO die-cast steam locomotives and the debut of a new category of products in the HO lineup.
As announced earlier, the new steam locomotives are a Norfolk & Western Class J and a Union Pacific 9000 each faithfully recreated in all-metal die-cast construction. Both locomotives will be produced in a variety of versions in differing, prototypically correct cab numbers. Delivery will begin in March for the Class J and April for the 9000. Both models can be seen in action by clicking on the following video links.
In addition to the new steam engine releases, the 2009 Volume 1 catalog includes a new category in the M.T.H. HO lineup known as the I-Series. While we take pride in the prototype accuracy of most of our HO products, you will find items in this and future catalogs bearing the I-Series designation (and item numbers with an モ81ヤ prefix) that may feature imaginary graphics or stray from historical accuracy. These products are exciting and enjoyable for railroaders who like to use their imagination and just have some fun. Imagine if the BNSF developed a モHeritage Seriesヤ of locomotives like the Union Pacific. A SD70ACe in Santa Fe livery would be a knockout!
The first of the I-Series items are operating action and aquarium cars that take their inspiration from popular O gauge cars issued in the 1950メs. There were in fact a number of prototype cars built to carry live fish, perhaps the most famous being the Nautilus owned by Chicago's John G. Shedd Aquarium but of course none had glass sides! Our new Operating Action cars feature backlit scenes that move as the car rolls by, with aquatic-themed cars featuring wavy glass to simulate water.
Visitors can download a PDF version of the entire 2009 HO No. 1 Catalog by CLICKING HERE.
M.T.H.メs HO locomotives feature the firmメs most sophisticated version of its highly acclaimed Proto-Sound digital sound and command control onboard electronics. The Proto-Sound 3.0 system found in M.T.H.メs HO locomotives includes features not found in other firm's sound systems and include a command control receiver that can operate with M.T.H.メs DCS Digital Command System or any manufacturerメs DCC system.
The SD70ACe and SD70M-2 featured in the 2009 Volume 1 catalog include an all-new Proto-Sound 3.0 feature never before found in HO products; remotely controlled couplers that do NOT require an operating track section. Long a staple on our O and One Gauge models, the HO scale Proto-Coupler features a scale knuckle that can couple with popular scale couplers including Kadee and McHenry models, yet can be triggered to automatically open anywhere on the layout using M.T.H.'s DCS system or any DCC controller. When fired open, the Proto-Sound 3.0 system plays a clunking sound effect to simulate the sound of the knuckle opening, followed by air release sounds of the brake lines breaking apart.
You can see the HO couplers in action by watching our SD70ACe video.
Unlike other HO sound-equipped locomotives currently on the market, M.T.H.メs steam locomotives include synchronized puffing smoke timed to drive wheel revolutions for an incredibly realistic operating experience. First appearing in M.T.H.メs O Gauge locomotives in 2000, each M.T.H. HO steam locomotive features a prototypically correct four chuffs/puffs per each drive wheel revolution.
Digital steam engine sound features including whistle, bell, chuffing, squeaking brakes, authentic Doppler, passenger station announcements, air let-off, air pump, blow down, pop-off, injector and dozens more are included in each engine ヨ a variety unmatched in HO today. In addition, every engine features 120 speed steps, each in scale one-mile-per-hour increments for a true prototypical operating experience.
M.T.H.'s steam and diesel locomotives are completely compatible with most 16 volt or higher analog DC power supplies. Under analog operation, the user retains direction control, synchronized puffing smoke and digital chuffing (synchronized to driver revolution and smoke puffing) on steam engines, diesel engine roar and squeaking brakes and speed control on both diesel and steam models.
When operated in command mode using M.T.H.メs DCS Digital Command System (DCS), operators will have access to hundreds of features and sounds, including crossing signals, a user controlled モquillableヤ steam whistle or diesel horn that simulates an engineerメs differing pressure on the whistle pull cord for seamless whistle or horn pitches.
The steam engine's die-cast metal boiler and tender house the electronics and a precision five-pole flywheel-equipped motor. Intricately detailed, the boiler and tender shells feature additional detail elements ensuring an accurate reproduction of the real-life prototype. Additional features include sprung drivers, (2) Kadeeᆴ compatible couplers, prototypical Rule 21 lighting, interchangeable RP25 drivers with traction tires for added pulling strength, detailed cab interior, detailed tender undercarriage and even a tender to boiler deck plate.
Diesel engines are constructed from ABS plastic and features a host of add-on details sure to please the most particular of modern diesel lovers. The body rides atop a detailed chassis designed to pull long consists and includes cab interior detail, operating ditch lights and cab figures.
All 2009 Volume 1 M.T.H. HO items are available for order through your local M.T.H. Authorized Retailer.