Check Out The Details And See It In Action: The HO Bi-Polar Electric

M.T.H.'s HO Bi-Polar Electric locomotive has begun shipping to local M.T.H. Authorized Retailers. Check out the model's details in its Milwaukee Road livery in the photos below or click on the video icon to the left to see the engine in action. Dubbed the 'silent locomotive', General Electric's E-2 Bi-Polar ushered in a new dawn of electrification for Milwaukee Road, in 1919. While the engine produced 3,200hp and 1,00 volts to each of its traction motors, the Bi-Polar made no whine or gear tooth growl. At 76' in length and weighing 265 tons, the Bi-Polar would come to revolutionize the industry. Briefly tabbed as 'the mightiest electric locomotives in the world', the EM-2 Bi-Polar arrived at Milwaukee Road in December of 1919. Numbered 10250-10254 these engines were designed to pull any normal passenger train in the railroads roster, singly, and were therefore built without multiple-unit controls. At the staggering cost of $200,000 an engine, many railroads found it too expensive to own an entire fleet of Bi-Polar's. Milwaukee Road however, closely identified with the Bi-Polar, making the engine the backbone of the railroads passenger service, powering the trains over the railroads mountainous western routes. The Bi-Polar's speed was also something of note, as mentioned in Noel T. Holley's The Milwaukee Electrics, Ralph Edwards reminisced about the engines, stating, "They were quick. If you reached out and grabbed a handful of notches, those babies would get right out and move. The acceleration was much quicker than a diesel and much quicker than E22 and E23. They moved out in a hurry, and they were absolutely silent". Appearing for the first time in the M.T.H. HO, this scale replica of Milwaukee Roads Bi-Polar fleet is sure to look just as stunning as the original. With prototypical rule 17 lighting, remotely controlled directionally activated operating pantographs and the excitement of Proto-Sound 3.0, this locomotive is certain to make a realistic addition to any collection. If you are a fan of electrics, there are but few iconic models that are must-haves. Like the Pennsylvania’s GG-1, Milwaukee Road’s Bi-Polar defined an era in the transition from steam to electric to diesel motive power by establishing themselves as stubborn, defiant workhorses unmatched in ability. The MTH Bi-Polar duplicates the brute strength and dependability of the original, complete with a detailed die-cast metal body and, exclusively from MTH for the HO marketplace, operating pantographs that raise and lower automatically according to the direction of travel. The HO Bi-Polar Electric locomotive can be ordered through any M.T.H. Authorized Retailer or by clicking on the Buy Now icon above.