Check Out The Details And See It In Action: The Premier Line O Scale Pennsylvania 2500hp Transfer Diesel

September 5, 2012 - M.T.H.'s Premier Line O Scale Pennsylvania 2500hp Transfer Diesel locomotive will begin shipping to M.T.H. Authorized Retailers this month. Check out the locomotive's details in the photos below or click on the video icon to the left to see it in action.

In 1950-1951, Lima-Hamilton built twenty-two colossal 2,500-hp transfer units for the Pennsylvania Railroad. These boxy center-cab units served for transfer work, which was similar to switching but on a larger scale. Rather than simply moving cars around a yard, these more powerful diesel engines moved cars from one yard to another, covering longer distances and heavier consists that would have been too challenging for many switchers. Although this large, dual-engine unit worked well for the PRR and its need to move coal cars from the mines to a central yard, such a large transfer unit proved too bulky and inflexible for many railroads, which opted for a cow-and-calf arrangement when they needed to perform heavier switching duties.

M.T.H. continues our proud tradition of offering models of unusual prototypes with an impressive, highly detailed version of this unique engine. With the realistic operation offered by Proto-Sound 3.0, it will add interest to your working layout.