September 15, 2010 - M.T.H.'s HO Daylight passenger cars have begun shipping and now is a perfect opportunity to check them out and compare them to other HO Daylight passenger car choices before you buy. M.T.H.’s Southern Pacific Daylight HO passenger sets were designed to be the best looking, best rolling HO passenger sets you can buy for the money. With an suggested retail price of just $69.95 per car, we believe the value in these sets cannot be matched by any other HO Daylight passenger cars produced today. To see for yourself, check out the detail photos below or click on the video icon in the website news story to see the cars in action.
Smooth Rolling Trucks With Prototypical Inner Truck Frame Detail
Brake Hose and Stam Heat Pipe Details
Car Numbering Device and Window Guard Rod Details
Prototypical Working Rubber Diaphragm
Prototypical Elevator Control Box Location
Realistic Grab Rail (0.25mm) and Step Thickness (0.46mm)
Realistically Scaled Antennae and Antennae Holder
Prototypical End Grab Rail Location, Size & Drumhead Shape
Prototypically Shaped and Scaled Roof Line Grab Rail
Learn more about the HO Daylight Passenger Cars and see them in action by clicking HERE.