Light Up Your Non-Powered Diesels

Light Kits Make It Easy

March 21, 2006 - M.T.H. Electric Trains will be offering light kits for non-powered locomotives offered in the 2006 Volume 1 catalog and prior catalogs for modelers who want all units in a multi-unit lashup to have operating headlights.

While most real-life lash-up configurations donメt light up the "slave" units, M.T.H. has long received requests from consumers looking to purchase the necessary hardware to light up their non-powered engines. Weメve created three different kits that can be adapted to most of the non-powered units weメve cataloged for the past few years. The chart below defines which kits are applicable for the various nonpowered engines in our RailKing and Premier product lines.


See your local M.T.H. Authorized Retailer to order any of these kits.

Item # Premier Locomotive Use RailKing Locomotive Use 50-1025 GP38-2, GP40 Scale GP-9, GP-20, SD-9 50-1026 SD90Mac, SD40-2 Scale SD-45, SD-60 50-1027 N/A Scale C628