Premier Parts Guides Now Available For Download

2015 Premier Line Parts Guides Now Online!

June 3, 2015 - M.T.H. Electric Trains has published four FREE interactive parts guides for Premier Line O Scale products. There are four guides; one each for Steam Locomotives, Diesel/Electric Locomotives, Rolling Stock and Passenger Cars. None of the guides are all-inclusive for each category as there are many item types in each category that don't yet have a parts guide. Each guide can also be downloaded as a PDF, but be aware, some of the files are large!

The parts guides can be viewed online by clicking the following links:




The interactive flip page format allows you to page through the guide as if you were turning the pages of a printed catalog. We've created hot links for all the items allowing you to quickly open up each part's detail page on the M.T.H. website where you'll discover more about each item and have the ability to order the part directly from M.T.H. Electric Trains by clicking on the Buy It Now tab. The Buy It Now tab will only appear if the item is in-stock.

The flip page format also allows viewers to search through the guide using key words, zoom in on items, print individual pages and email favorite pages to your friends and family. Tools for doing these tasks are all located in the toolbar on the left side of the flip page parts guide.

All parts prices can be verified on the website.