Proto-Sound Stacker Chain Code Files Repository


Proto-Sound Stacker Chain Code Files Repository

You can find the necessary links to download the correct chain code files for programming your Proto-Sound 3/2 Upgrade "Stacker" Boards for specific locomotive types. A Stacker board is a combination of a bottom Proto-Sound 3 board (responsible for storing all the operating data about the locomotive and the sound file, specific to the locomotive you install it into). The top board provides all the sockets for controlling lights, couplers, smoke, etc. There are 2 versions of the stacker boards; 5 Volt (designed to replace factory-installed Proto-Sound 2.0 5 Volt circuit boards) which have “Hirose” style connectors. The other version is a 3 Volt (designed to replace factory-installed Proto-Sound 2.0 3 Volt circuit boards) which has “Chyao Shiunn” style connectors. You can learn all about the Stacker Boards by clicking the pdf below. 

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