As a model railroader, you've likely heard of M.T.H. Electric Trains before. You might have heard that we produce O, G and HO trains. You might have even read our slogan proclaming that M.T.H. model trains do more! What you probably didn't know is why our HO model trains do more.
We're the only HO manufacturer to produce die-cast HO steam locomotives with the widest selection of features available today. Period. Digital sound, a built-in DCC decoder, wireless drawbar, synchronized puffing smoke timed to drive wheel revolutions, LED lighting and much, much more separate M.T.H. HO motive power from everything else.
Pair up one of our locomotives with our lighted passenger cars, and you'll be running an M.T.H. consist unmatched by any other train on your roster. Most of our passenger cars, like the Norfolk & Western car seen in the above photo, are built to exacting specifications from their real-life counterpart. Many of our sets feature cars with roadname specific interiors (including interior colors), working end-of-car diaphragms, lighted observation marker lights and drumheads, KadeeĀ® couplers and overhead, constant voltage LED lighting. Most importantly, each car sits atop the smoothest rolling trucks you'll find ensuring that M.T.H. HO passenger cars won't drag down your locomotive.