Welcome To The Lionel Corporation

Welcome to The Lionel Corporation, a recreation of the world of tinplate toy trains as they existed from the turn of the twentieth century until World War II. Lionel Corporation products are reproductions of the brightly colored, often cartoon-like trains and accessories that delighted boys and their dads in the prewar period, when Popular Mechanics magazine proclaimed that an electric train was モThe One Toy That Guarantees a Happy Childhood.ヤ A licensing agreement between the two leading companies in O gauge model railroading, Lionel Electric Trains and M.T.H. Electric Trains will spawn Lionel Corporation products that offer hobbyists the most accurate tinplate reproductions ever produced and an expanding product line that will include the most iconic products of the tinplate era. See and Hear ムEm in Action Close-up photos and action videos of most items can be found in our Product Search feature. Simply search for the item, then scroll down the item page for photos and a link to the video.