Proto-Scale 3-2ル Diesels Begin Shipping

September 13, 2006 - M.T.H. Electric Trains has begun shipping its first O Gauge diesel locomotive equipped with the firm's patented Proto-Scale 3-2ル feature allowing users to quickly convert the locomotive from 3-rail to 2-rail operation.

The Premier Line SD70m diesel engine, first cataloged in the 2005 Volume 2 Catalog, was not promoted with the Proto-Scale 3-2ル feature which did not begin appearing in M.T.H.'s diesel lineup until the 2006 Volume 1 catalog. The SD70m and several other diesel engines promoted in the 2005 Volume 2 catalog were promoted with new wheel arrangements that placed flanged wheel sets on the outside of each truck block. Previously, M.T.H. had configured its six-wheel diesel truck blocks with flanged wheels on the middle and leading axles.

Because the outside flanged wheel locations required an entirely new power truck block, M.T.H. decided to incorporate the new Proto-Scale 3-2ル feature into the Premier Line diesel locomotives equipped with six-wheel trucks and promoted in the 2005 Volume 2 catalog. Unfortunately this decision resulted in production delays of the SD70m, SD50 and SD70ACe diesel locomotives while the diesel version development of Proto-Scale 3-2ル was completed. Both the SD50 and the SD70ACe have exited production and will begin delivering to consumers this Fall.

What Is Proto-Scale 3-2ル?

Simply put, Proto-Scale 3-2ル allows the operator to select 2 or 3-rail operation for locomotives so equipped. Pickup rollers on the bottom of each truck block can be quickly unscrewed when 2-rail operation is desired. Once the rollers are removed, the operator simply slides a switch from its 3-rail to 2-rail position to reroute the active electrical connections and configure the right side of the locomotive's wheels for grounding and the left side for hot pickup. The Proto-Soundᆴ 2.0 electronics inside each locomotive can operate on either AC or DC power so nothing else needs to be changed on a layout once the locomotive has been configured for 2-rail operation.







But wait, there's more!

Proto-Scale 3-2ル first began appearing on M.T.H. Premier Line steam locomotives during the summer of 2004. Users could choose between hi-rail or scale wheel equipped locomotives equipped with Proto-Scale 3-2ル. Either steam locomotive version, like the Proto-Scale 3-2ル diesels, could be configured for 2 or 3-rail operation. Unlike their steam counterparts, Proto-Scale 3-2ル equipped diesel locomotives can be converted to scale wheels in just a few minutes. Thanks to the all-new Proto-Scale 3-2ル power truck, each hi-rail wheel set can be quickly removed by simply unscrewing four screws from the bottom of each truck block. It's not even necessary to disassemble the locomotive! Scale wheel sets can be ordered from any M.T.H. Authorized Retailer this Fall for those operators who desire well-equipped, value-rich and affordable locomotives.





Choose From 4 Roadnames




Southern Pacific SD70M Diesel Engine - With Proto-Sound 2.0




Susquehanna SD70M Diesel Engine - With Proto-Sound 2.0




Santa Fe SD70M Diesel Engine - With Proto-Sound 2.0




Canadian National SD70M Diesel Engine - With Proto-Sound 2.0

Consumers interested in ordering any of the SD70m locomotives should contact their local M.T.H. Authorized Retailer.