North Central O Gaugers Grayslake, IL (about 25 mi. northwest of Chicago)
The North Central O Gaugers share their home with the Friends of the Fremont Public Library, on the library’s second floor. They time their open houses to coincide with the Friends’ books sales on the second Saturday of every month, ensuring a good public turnout at their permanent 25’ x 45’ layout. While the layout features wide, sweeping curves to accommodate the largest scale equipment, club members delight in having fast-running, noisy, colorful trains to appeal to the child in all of us.
The club’s traveling modular layout, complete with its own trailer, is a regular visitor to public libraries in north Chicago suburbs, almost always accounting for the most well-attended library day of the year. The club’s Liaison Director has become expert at arranging and publicizing these “special runs” to maximize attendance. The traveling layout can be configured to fit the available space, and some modules feature variable scenery to suit the season or special interests — winter, Halloween, holiday, and circus themes being among the most popular.
Check out the North Central O Gaugers’ website at for their latest events and a nice selection of layout videos, and their Blue Comet Award application for a detailed picture of their successful public outreach efforts.
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