Amtrak O Gauge RailKing Genesis Diesel Engine With Proto-Sound 3.0
While GE officially designated these engines as model AMD-103 (for Amtrak Diesel-103 mph), they are popularly called the Genesis engine because they represent an entirely new stage in passenger locomotive technology. Forty-four of these 4,000 hp engines, numbered 800-843, were delivered between April and December 1993.
Returning to our RailKing lineup, the Genesis prototype brings you everything you have come to expect from M.T.H. diesels, including the awesome sound and features of Proto-Sound 3.0. Enjoy the incredible performance of Proto-Speed control for slow, realistic stops as your train arrives at a passenger station. A push of the bell and whistle buttons on your transformer announces the arrival of your train at the station - complete with conductor voices and sounds of passengers coming and going. These unique features are only found in M.T.H. passenger locomotives.