Chicago Short Line O Gauge RailKing SW-9 Switcher Diesel Engine Calf (Non-Powered)
These boxy little workhorses return to the M.T.H. RailKing lineup in 2018 in a new variety of roadnames. As with all RailKing diesel engines, each is available with the exciting Proto-Sound 3.0 system for unprecented value and fun. As switch locomotives, the SWs are perfect for yard duty thanks to their incredible slow-speed performance - performance governed by M.T.H.'s industry-leading Proto-Speed speed control system. No other switchers can creep so slow or uncouple cars from front or rear without additional equipment. If you've got a transformer with a whistle and bell button, you've got the best switcher you can buy today.
Pull-out fact:
While the SW-8s and -9s were produced as replacements for the aging NW-2 diesel switcher, they proved themselves impervious to age themselves, becoming railyard mainstays for decades.