
DCS Explorer Track Interface Unit


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Command Control
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Delivery Status:
Delivered Feb. 2018


Imagine having control over your model railroad from any iOS or Android phone or tablet. How much more convenient would operating your model railroad be with the same device you use throughout your daily life? The large, bright full-color screens found on today's smart phones and tablets are perfect for accessing the DCS features found inside your Proto-Sound 2.0 and 3.0 locomotives. Better yet, the expanded range and speed of wifi ensures that your trains respond to DCS commands faster and more reliably than ever before.

when paired with M.T.H.'s DCS App and our new DCS Explorer Track Interface Unit, you no longer have to imagine controlling your model railroad with your phone, you can!

The DCS Explorer can be powered by any AC (like the Z-1000 brick) or DC power supply and plugs right into a track lockon. Once connected, access the Explorer with your smartphone or tablet's wifi connection and using the DCS App (available from Google Play or Apple's App Store) control up to three Proto-Sound 2.0 or later locomotives. Setup is simple and quick and the module can be configured as a stand alone unit or easily combined into an existing wifi network.

A Word About The DCS Explorer And The In-App Purchases In The DCS App

The DCS Explorer has a limited feature set and is intended for ready-to-run train set customers and hobbyists who are just starting out in the command control world. The app that controls the DCS Explorer has In-App purchase options that allow the user to obtain access to additional features and functions. While the feature set in the DCS Explorer is more than adequate for small and mid-size layouts and gives the user control of up to three locomotives on the same track at the same time, it cannot take advantage of the additional features found in the In-App purchase options. Users wishing to utilize those features found in the In-App purchase options can only do so if they replace the DCS Explorer with the DCS WIU Wifi Interface Unit and the DCS TIU Track Interface Unit.


  • Simple Setup
  • Stand Alone or Network Operating Modes
  • Accessible from iOS or Android Smart Phones and Tablets
  • Operate 3 Different Engines on the same track at the same time
  • 802.11n
  • LED Indicators
  • Operates On Standard AC Wall Power
  • Outputs AC or DC Power (depending on power supply input)
  • Unit Measures: 25x35 mm
  • Support


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