
Pennsylvania G Gauge RailKing One Gauge Alco PA A-Unit Diesel (Non-Powered)


List Price:

G Gauge
Product Type:
Diesel/Electric Locomotive
Product Line:
RailKing One Gauge
Delivery Status:
Delivered: NOV. 2021


The PA was Alco's glamour girl. While Electro-Motive's E-units easily beat Alco's passenger engine in terms of popularity, the PA is widely regarded as the most beautiful first-generation diesel - period. Perhaps no other locomotive looked so right at the head of the streamlined trains of the late forties and fifties that were the last hurrah of American long-distance passenger service. The 294 PA's and cabless PB's built between 1946 and 1953 powered some of America's most famous name trains, from the Pennsylvania's Broadway Limited to the New Haven's Merchants' Limited.

The muscular PA profile and its elegant nose with the characteristic grille around the headlight were designed by Ray Patten of General Electric. At the time, GE and Alco were partners in the locomotive business, with GE making the electrical equipment for all Alco diesels. While Alco would later fall by the wayside, GE went on to become America's largest locomotive builder by the early 1990's.

Under the hood of the PA beat a 16-cylinder model 244 prime mover that developed 2000 hp. Depending on their gearing, PA's could hustle a passenger consist along at up to 100 mph.

Long after all other PA's had gone to scrap, four restored ex-Santa Fe units remained in service on the Delaware & Hudson into the late 1970's. Sold to the Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico (FNM) in 1978, most of the units eventually deteriorated to junk status, although one remained operational. But in April of 2000, Doyle McCormack - who also happens to be the engineer of 4449, the restored Southern Pacific Daylight - and the Smithsonian Institution repatriated two of the junked units for rebuilding. One of the units will be restored to Santa Fe livery for static display, while Doyle is bringing the other PA back to life in the Nickel Plate Road "Bluebird" scheme.


  • Intricately Detailed, Durable Polycarbonate Body
  • Detailed Truck Sides, Fuel Tank & Pilot
  • Metal Handrails and Horn
  • Moveable Roof Fans
  • Metal Body Side Grilles
  • (2) Handpainted Engineer Cab Figures
  • Authentic Paint Scheme
  • Metal Wheels, Axles and Gears
  • (2) Hook & Chain Coupler Assemblies
  • (2) Operating Metal Couplers
  • G Scale Kadee-Compatible Coupler Mounting Pads
  • Constant Voltage LED Headlights
  • Illuminated LED Number Boards
  • 1:32 Scale Proportions
  • With The Digital Command System Featuring: Passenger Station Proto-Effects
  • Unit Measures:26" x 5 5/8" x 4"
  • Operates On R3 (2390mm/94.0" Diameter) Curves



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