Proto-Sound 3 Steam Upgrade Kit Consumer Package

BEFORE you operate the Proto-Sound 3.0 board in this kit you must update the Consumer Package File with the latest firmware for O Gauge Steam. There are three selections:

  • O Gauge Steam with a Standard Smoke Unit
  • O Gauge Steam with a Small O Smoke Unit
  • O Gauge Steam with a Standard Smoke Unit and Steam Turbine Smoke
  • Ensure you load the correct Consumer Package File for the type of smoke unit installed into the model you are upgrading before loading the appropriate sound file.

    To install the Consumer Package File you must install the DCS Consumer Loader (Version 5.0) onto your personal computer and your TIU must be running DCS Version 5.0 or higher.

    Installation instructions:

    1. Connect your PC to the TIU via a USB, Serial or USB-to-Serial Cable
    2. Start the DCS Consumer Loader program and click the FLASH icon
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the DCS Consumer Loader program to complete the installation of the Consumer Package File